Our production
is based on knowledge
and experience

We are fully transparent about creating our natural liqueurs
with no synthetic flavor substitutes

After searching around the globe, we found that California growers were able to offer the authentic taste of almonds that met our standards. California is home to 7,600 almond farms, of which 91% are family owned and operated by third- and fourth-generation farmers. We are incredibly proud to partner with growers, who are dedicated to sustainable growing, in order to offer you the pure and refined flavor of Almond Spirit. We received the highest possible honor from a grower, when after taking a sip, said that he felt as if he was inside of his almond orchards in bloom.

We are fully transparent about creating our natural liqueurs
with no synthetic flavor substitutes

After searching around the globe, we found that California growers were able to offer the authentic taste of almonds that met our standards. California is home to 7,600 almond farms, of which 91% are family owned and operated by third- and fourth-generation farmers. We are incredibly proud to partner with growers, who are dedicated to sustainable growing, in order to offer you the pure and refined flavor of Almond Spirit. We received the highest possible honor from a grower, when after taking a sip, said that he felt as if he was inside of his almond orchards in bloom.

California is one of
the few locations on
Earth with the perfect
climate needed to
grow almonds.
To ensure consistent,
high-quality almonds,
our growers use specialized,
state-of-the-art techniques for
growing and harvesting.

Our California partners supply us with the perfect almonds, both in terms of taste and grades. But the biggest obstacle was finding a supplier who could guarantee the technology needed to extract the finest almond essential oil from highly ripe fruit. Our production partners use modern scientific techniques to preserve the maximum aromatic balance and all of the important components necessary to achieve the best possible, kosher-certified result.


The highest quality essential almond oil is the foundation of our smooth and balanced liqueurs. Our oil does not contain any artificial scents or additives, only the natural almond aroma and flavor. It takes 100 kg of almonds to produce 1 liter.


We stand by the ethically responsible and transparent practices we take in order to ensure that our liqueurs have a pure and refined taste. This also goes hand in hand with our pledge to use the finest natural ingredients, which have no genetic modifications.


Our curiosity drove us to search for a naturally bold flavor. And thanks to our many years of experience, we were able to create our unique recipe. In addition to including carefully sourced ingredients, we have fine tuned our production process to give Almond Spirit liqueurs their smoothness and purity, while preserving the natural almond flavor.


The almond is often mistaken for a true nut. However the almond’s fruit is classified as a stone fruit (botanically known as a drupe), which belongs in the same category as plums, apricots or cherries. These fruits have their seed enclosed in a single hard shell, commonly referred to as the pit.

We are committed to using top quality fruits to create our natural liqueurs. Therefore, we partner with growers that use sustainable agricultural practices based on research and a respect for the environment. Our production faithfully reflects the spirit of the orchards and maintains the flavor nuances found within the fruit and blossoms of California almond.